Things to Consider When Planning Dog Vaccinations

Dog Over-vaccination

The Best Strategy for Pet Owners Who Want Holistic Care for Their Pets

An integrative wellness veterinarian, Dr. Karen Becker talks about The Truth About Pet Vaccines…

FACT: You cannot add more immunity to an already immune dog. It is just not biologically possible. All you’re doing is increasing the risk of chronic disease… there’s no benefit !

However, the evidence against vaccinating is quite overwhelming. Chronic health problems frequently appear following vaccination including skin allergies, leukemia, arthritis, upper respiratory infections, irritable bowel syndrome, neurological conditions, epilepsy, aggressive behavior, separation anxiety, auto-immune diseases and cancer. Most pet parents have never been told the truth about vaccines. On the contrary, you are likely to get those annual notices from your vet : “Fido is due for his annual booster shots. Hurry! Your pet can be UNPROTECTED! ” (Sounds familiar?) Most vets just choose to ignore the facts because they don’t want to lose the revenue from giving annual boo$ter $hot$ to our pets.

Dr. Karen Becker interviews Dr. Ronald Schultz and together they help 
pet owners become aware of the pet vaccination protocol 

Dr. Schultz is one of the preeminent experts in the field of veterinary vaccines. If you read the full AAHA vaccination guidelines report, you’ll see his work referenced throughout.

Dr. Ronald Schultz, a DVM and a veterinary immunologist, is considered the world’s authority on animal vaccines. He states that ONE vaccine only is needed for lifetime protection if the dog or cat vaccinated at 15-16 weeks or older has responded effectively to the vaccine. As long as the response is adequate, he doesn’t in most cases revaccinate for the rest of the pet’s life. His goal is to be able to recommend that after an animal is vaccinated at from 12 to 24 weeks for rabies, there’s no need for re-vaccination every 3 years. Hopefully we’ll see the results of his 7-year study reflected in a future revision of the AAHA’s canine vaccination guidelines, as well as in state and local laws.

Dr. Schultz‘s research has shown that once immunity to a virus is present it is present for life. No need to keep re-vaccinating that puppy if the puppy has responded effectively to the vaccine – the Antibody Titer Test, a laboratory test that measures the level of antibodies in a blood sample is a reliable way to find out. It determines the level of antibodies present to an infectious agent like the distemper virus, parvo, hepatitis, and other diseases. When the blood serum antibody level is measured quantitatively, we are measuring a combination of the animal’s natural exposure to the infectious agent as well as vaccinations against it.

Research by Dr. Ronald D Schultz, shows that a vaccine received at or after 12 weeks of age provides immunity in over 95% of dogs. He also states that the less than 5% which did not have immunity would never get immunity regardless of how many vaccinations they received.

Dr. Schultz is the author of this paragraph in Kirk’s “Current Veterinary Therapy XI”, the conventional medicine textbook:

“Annual re-vaccinations is a practice that was started many years ago and that lacks scientific validity or verification. Almost without exception there is no immunologic requirement for annual re-vaccination. Successful vaccination to most bacterial pathogens produces an immunologic memory that remains for years, allowing an animal to develop a protective anamnestic (secondary) response when exposed to virulent organisms. Furthermore, re-vaccination with most viral vaccines fails to stimulate an anamnestic (secondary) response as a result of interference by existing antibody (similar to maternal antibody interference). Immunity to viruses persists for years or for the life of the animal. Only the immune response to toxins requires boosters (e.g. tetanus toxin booster, in humans, is recommended once every 7-10 years), and no toxin vaccines are currently used for dogs and cats. The practice of annual vaccination in our opinion should be considered of questionable efficacy unless it is used as a mechanism to provide an annual physical examination or is required by law (certain states require annual re-vaccination for rabies).”

Core vaccines are considered vital to all pets based on risk of exposure, severity of disease or transmissibility to humans. Canine Parvo (CPV-2), Canine Distemper (CDV)Canine Adenovirus (CAV-2) and Rabies are considered core vaccines. As for the non-core vaccines, Dr. Schultz and Dr. Becker don’t recommend any of them, and are ONLY given depending on the dog’s exposure risk. Visit the following pages for a discussion of non-core vaccines:

These interviews present the most accurate, proven information in a way that’s clear and easy to understand. Part 4 is a must. It explains the particular studies about rabies and the difference between the 1-year and 3-year vaccine protocol….

Canine Vaccination Guidelines


Homeopathic Alternatives to Vaccines

Click to Download Homeopathic Alternatives to Vaccines – pdf



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Things to Consider When Planning Dog Vaccinations

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